Prepare for “bloggergeddon”.
Since we’ve been slacking on social media and website updates, the team has decided to go all out for the next 33 weeks by writing blogs.
To be exact, each week will include 33 new blog posts on topics like “The Basics,” “The Software,” “The Standards,” and “The Future.”
If you’re curious in acoustics or what it takes to become an acoustic consultant, be sure to check out our new weekly Monday blog, starting with “Why We Love Acoustics,” debuting this coming Monday, May 29.
The Basics
The fundamental ideas that guide our work will be discussed in a new blog post every week between June 5 till August 21. Sound pressure, sound power, sound intensity, acoustic absorption, and point source proppagation are all covered.
The Software
Each week (from August 28 to September 11), there will be a weekly blog post discussing the tools we use to complete our assignments. The CadnaA, CATT Acoustic, and INSUL families are included.
The Standards
From September 18th through December 18th, a weekly blog will be published discussing the many policies and regulations that guide our operations. Standards such as (but not limited to) Approved Document E, BB93, BS6472, ISO 9613, and BS EN 12354 are included.
The Future
Starting on Monday, January 1, 2024, and continuing through Monday, January 15, 2024, CSG Acoustics will publish a blog detailing their ongoing future research. Metamaterials, noise cancellation technology, and AI are all examples.
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